Frequently Asked Questions


What if it’s raining outside?

Our program operates throughout all seasons and all weather, rain or shine. We believe there is “no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.” Although we do seek shelter in covered spaces throughout the school day on rainy occasions, children will need to arrive prepared to play outdoors in the elements as we do spend time in the rain. This means having proper quality waterproof gear and boots for the rainy seasons.

What does animal care look like?

On the farm we have chickens, horses, goats, and sometimes pigs or turkeys. Daily, we visit the animal pen where the chickens and goats reside to collect eggs from the coop, feed the animals, and socialize with our animal friends. Children are given the opportunity to engage with the animals as they feel comfortable, for some this looks like trying to catch the chickens and for others it may be mostly observing. We find that this is an integral way to form bonds with these special living creatures and learn about the ways we can help care for them and meet their needs within a safe yet open environment.

Will my child need to be potty trained?

Children are required to be 3 year olds but it is not necessary that they be potty trained as long as children attend preschool in a pull up or other attire that makes it easy for them to “practice” toileting. Teachers are able to work with caregivers to align with any toileting plans that may be in place or help you sort one out so that they may be successful with toileting when they are ready.

What gear will my child need?

We require quality gear so that your child will be comfortable throughout the seasons. We will send out a gear list with recommendations to families that enroll, but generally, children will need waterproof coats and pants (we are a fan of bibs!), quality gloves, hats, and winter boots. We highly recommend Bog boots rated at -40 degrees for the winter. Parents within our community often buy/sell/trade used clothing as children size out of clothes.

Are you a licensed preschool program?

Our program operates as a licensed camp year round following all the Massachusetts camp guidelines. Our lead teacher, Miss Ali, is a licensed early childhood educator for the state of Massachusetts.

What is the staff to teacher ratio?

Our ratios do not exceed 5:1, which means 5 children per 1 teacher. We find that this creates a more intimate atmosphere, so that we may best cater to our students diverse needs while creating meaningful experiences within our group.

What are the enrollment options and cost?

Students may enroll in one, two, three, or four day options from 9:00AM-1:00PM.

Are there currently any openings?

Preschool for the 2021-2022 year is currently full. Please Contact if you would like to be added to our waitlist.


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